Hungarian Competition programme / Applied Animation
Otthon Cinema - jun. 21. 09:00
04' 04''
Hollós Kata, Pittmann Kornél, Bella Tamara, Gurka Gábor István
01' 25''
Mészáros Eszter Kata
01' 25''
Szente Szimonetta
00' 30''
Kalászi Benjamin
Exhibition / Artist of the Month: Sári Ulrich
Hírös Agora / Panorama Lounge - jun. 21. 09:00
Exhibition / Ordinary Days in Colour: the 21st anniversary of KEDD animation studio
Hírös Agora / Chamber Room - jun. 21. 09:00
Malom Cinema - jun. 21. 10:00
Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 21. 11:00
03' 00''
Schnabel Annabella, Nagy Zoé, Szegedi Adél
04' 40''
Ujlaky Eszter Anett
03' 27''
Nakada Anna Róza
02' 57''
Balogh Mirjana, Virágh Ádám, Feiner Janka
Panorama programme / The 21st anniversary of KEDD animation studio compilation
Otthon Cinema - jun. 21. 11:00
05' 00''
Krizsanics Antonin, M. Tóth Géza
07' 00''
Jurik Kristóf, M. Tóth Géza
02' 05''
Gerdelics Miklós
07' 00''
Jurik Kristóf, M. Tóth Géza
05' 00''
Krizsanics Antonin, M. Tóth Géza
02' 05''
Gerdelics Miklós
07' 00''
Jurik Kristóf, M. Tóth Géza
European Competition programme / TV Series 1
Malom Cinema - jun. 21. 12:00
07' 00''
Lachenaud Cédric
05' 28''
Płocieniak-Alvarez Eliza
06' 01''
Campos Clémentine, Bernard-Espina Inès, Boulissiére Mélody
03' 34''
Ventimiglia Valentina
European Competition programme / TV Series 2
Malom Cinema - jun. 21. 13:00
09' 43''
Job, Joris & Marieke
09' 14''
Buzási Gyopár Orsolya
07' 37''
Tóth-Pócs Roland, Balajthy László
02' 22''
Chaillou Frédérick
03' 08''
Gavras Julie, Decarli Mathieu
02' 00''
Grosjean Théo, Richard Mothy (Timothy)
11' 00''
Guido Martin, Antolini María
Further programmes / Hungarian Folk Tales
Main Square / Space in Space - jun. 21. 14:00
Hungarian Competition programme / Student Film 2
Otthon Cinema - jun. 21. 14:00
02' 42''
Kovács Dóra Napsugár, Pintér Márton
06' 02''
Cornejo Judith, Komán Kitti
02' 30''
Csabai Anna, Svarcz Enikő
06' 16''
Tóth Orsolya Blanka
08' 31''
Pencz Patrik, Németh Natália
Malom Cinema - jun. 21. 14:00
29' 56''
Perreten Marjolaine
Book Presentation / Zoltán Varga: Cat-and-Mouse Games – The animated films of Béla Ternovszky
Katona József Library - jun. 21. 14:00
Panorama programme / Award winning films of Cinanima 2022
Otthon Cinema - jun. 21. 15:00
02' 47''
Ojeda Salas Bernardita, Freire Azzarelli Cristián
10' 12''
David Aude, Gaudin Mikaël
09' 31''
Moult-Milewska Tessa
11' 18''
Pendragon Lachlan
14' 08''
Sá Vasco, Doutel David
16' 08''
Covarrubias Hugo
Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 21. 17:00
12' 55''
Laszlovszky Sofia
07' 35''
Spitzer Fiorella
Exhibition / The making of Toldi, the feature film: An exhibition about Marcell Jankovics's film
Hírös Agora / Kodály Room - jun. 21. 17:00
Exhibition / Four Souls of Coyote: Creation, in a new way
Hírös Agora / Kodály Room - jun. 21. 17:30
Exhibition / Bubble Talkers: 150 years of Hungarian Comics
Hírös Agora / Room Nr. 104-105 - jun. 21. 18:00
Concert / Kaláka
Main Square - jun. 21. 18:00
Further programmes / Opening Ceremony
Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 21. 19:00
Retrospective programme / Saluting the animCompilation of films by Béla Ternovszky, Mária Horváth, Pál Tóth and Éva M Tóth
Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 21. 20:00
Retrospective programme / The Tragedy of Man
Main Square / Space in Space - jun. 21. 20:00