Applied Animation
Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall
jun. 24. 14:00
Applied Animation
Otthon Cinema
jun. 21. 09:00
Somewhere in a secret fold of the world, a girl-plant inhabited by joyful thoughts draws from the dark cave of her heart whimsical little pink horses animated by a childlike and pure joy. When her flying eyes meet an erupting volcano, their tears adorn her body with the joy of the moment.
Year of production: 2022
Country of production: France, Poland, Hungary
Length: 03' 54''
Further credits
Animation: DARABOS Éva; KÁDÁR Melinda Animation director: KÁDÁR Melinda Character design: DARABOS Éva; KORCSOK Lili Backgrounds: MÁKÓ Bori Script: UJMA Anka Compositing: KÁDÁR Melinda Editor: KÁDÁR Melinda Music: UJMA Anka