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Programs in daily schedule

Workshop / Primanima animation fun zone caravan

Youth Centre / Mirror Hall - jun. 24. 09:00

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Panorama programme / Best of Annecy 2022

Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 24. 09:30

Watch Closely

00' 49''
Grupinska Julia, Subramaniam Poornima, Liu Yuan, Chen Yufan, Svanekiaer Bertil, Skripka Daria


06' 45''
Moon Sujin

Terra Incognita

21' 30''
M. A. Kjaer Pernille, Dexter Adrian

The Record

08' 44''
Laskar Jonathan


09' 34''
Cadez Spela

Of Wood

06' 59''
Klatte Owen

Anxious Body

05' 47''
Mizushiri Yoriko


14' 21''
Turai Balázs

Further programmes / Meet the Filmmakers

Hírös Agora / Press Room - jun. 24. 10:00

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Hungarian Competition programme / TV Series 1

Otthon Cinema - jun. 24. 10:00

Urban Legends: Pianism

03' 08''
Glaser Kati

IthinkDat: Our Tight House

09' 14''
Buzási Gyopár Orsolya

Gypsy Tales: Fecska Tells the Future

07' 37''
Tóth-Pócs Roland, Balajthy László

Fledglings: Balczo

08' 11''
B. Nagy Ervin

My Name is Fear

05' 28''
Płocieniak-Alvarez Eliza

Patouille and the Parachute Seeds

06' 01''
Campos Clémentine, Bernard-Espina Inès, Boulissiére Mélody

Urban Legends: The Ski Trip

03' 06''
Glaser Kati

Labuntina: Halloween

03' 34''
Ventimiglia Valentina

Ladybird and Bee: Ant Waggle

02' 20''
McGrath David

Happy the Hoglet: Happy Hogfairy

07' 23''
McGrath David

General Assembly and Round-table Discussion / AA1 – Pencil, Paper, Hungarian Society of Animation Artists... What else do you need?

Katona József Library - jun. 24. 11:00

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Panorama programme / Best of Annecy 2022: Spotlight on women directors

Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 24. 11:00

Watch Closely

00' 49''
Grupinska Julia, Subramaniam Poornima, Liu Yuan, Chen Yufan, Svanekiaer Bertil, Skripka Daria

The Garbage Man

11' 45''
Goncalves Laura

The Flying Sailor

07' 52''
Forbis Amanda, Tilby Wendy


09' 34''
Cadez Spela

Inglorious Liaisons

11' 02''
Delvoye Violette, Alliez Chloé

The Queen of the Foxes

08' 50''
Rosset Marina

Once There Was a Sea...

16' 38''
Kozuch Joanna


00' 45''
Garibay Ezequiel, Kalyan Surya

Workshop / Primanima animation fun zone caravan

Youth Centre / Mirror Hall - jun. 24. 11:00

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Hungarian Competition programme / TV Series 2

Otthon Cinema - jun. 24. 11:00

Berry and Dolly: The Lily Fairy

05' 00''
Fazakas Kinga, M. Tóth Géza

Rosie and Sapphire: The Pink Grass

05' 32''
Lovrity Kata Anna

PoCats: Stargazing

07' 06''
Agócs Barbara, Kiss Nóra, Bárdos Csaba, Ujj Bea

Panorama programme / Best of Anima – Córdoba International Animation Festival

Malom Cinema - jun. 24. 12:00

Anima: Festival Spot

01' 08''
Blei Irene


06' 48''
Donoso Astudillo Camila


08' 00''
Polledri Pablo


10' 00''
Zaramella Juan Pablo

Carlos Montaña

07' 51''
Romero Ita


12' 12''
Kater Camila


16' 08''
Covarrubias Hugo

Further programmes / KAFFFER art fair

Hírös Agora / Hall - jun. 24. 12:00

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Workshop / Klassz Workshop – Interactive film class for everyone

Youth Centre / Mirror Hall - jun. 24. 12:00

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Panorama programme / The cream of Belgian animation 3 / Terrible beauty

Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 24. 13:00

Bloeistraat 11

09' 39''
Deutz Nienke


11' 35''
De Groen Jacky


06' 43''
Setola Anton


10' 14''
Vervaeke Robbe


05' 38''
Coudyzer Pieter


11' 31''
Van Laere Suus


04' 42''
Bastiaensen Dries

Hungarian Competition programme / Applied Animation

Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 24. 14:00

Yewo – Pretty Sailor

05' 34''
Tóth Viktória

perpētuum – In the Sun

02' 22''
Straff Dávid

Loa Frida – Loa

03' 54''
Kádár Melinda

Gábor Antal Trio – Walking On The Planet

04' 04''
Hollós Kata, Pittmann Kornél, Bella Tamara, Gurka Gábor István

Max Porter: Lanny

01' 25''
Mészáros Eszter Kata

Sanyika, I Don’t Do Politics

01' 25''
Szente Szimonetta

Traditionally Innovative

01' 47''
Animation Piros

Tót Endre: Why Do I Paint?

04' 02''
Fillér Máté

The Last Plaque

02' 15''
Simon Balázs

Rold Gold – Gold Hunters

00' 45''
Filkor Gábor

Comedy Club

00' 30''
Horváth Tímea


00' 09''
Wator Ádám

Bittrex – Trade On

00' 30''
Kalászi Benjamin

Hungarian Village Program

00' 30''
Horváth Tímea

MVM Kids' Corner – Car Race

01' 14''
Sárosácz Iván

MVM Kids' Corner – The Big Mission

01' 10''
Sárosácz Iván

Fresh Food Hollywood

03' 50''
Bakos Barbara

Invented in Hungary

04' 00''
HEN Animation

General Assembly and Round-table Discussion / General Assembly of the Hungarian Animation Producers Association (HAPA) and round-table discussion

Katona József Library - jun. 24. 14:00

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Further programmes / Hungarian Folk Tales

Main Square / Space in Space - jun. 24. 14:00

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Workshop / Primanima animation fun zone caravan

Youth Centre / Mirror Hall - jun. 24. 14:00

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Hungarian Information programme / TV Series

Otthon Cinema - jun. 24. 14:00

Berry and Dolly: The Green Grub

05' 00''
Fazakas Kinga, M. Tóth Géza

A Door to Othertown: The Birthday

07' 09''
Gelley Bálint

Urban Legends: The Ski Trip

03' 06''
Glaser Kati

Gypsy Tales: Moga, Boga, and Zoga

07' 11''
Tóth-Pócs Roland, Balajthy László

European Competition programme / TV Series 2

Malom Cinema - jun. 24. 14:00

Swop: Bassie

09' 43''
Job, Joris & Marieke

IthinkDat: Our Tight House

09' 14''
Buzási Gyopár Orsolya

Gypsy Tales: Fecska Tells the Future

07' 37''
Tóth-Pócs Roland, Balajthy László

I’m Not Afraid!

07' 02''
Mayer Marita

Open Bar: Episode 22

02' 22''
Chaillou Frédérick

Unsung Women: Ida Pfeiffer

03' 08''
Gavras Julie, Decarli Mathieu

Freaked Out: Train Brain

02' 00''
Grosjean Théo, Richard Mothy (Timothy)

Polinopolis: Broken Heart

11' 00''
Guido Martin, Antolini María

General Assembly and Round-table Discussion / What does Kovasznai mean to us today

Hírös Agora / Room No. 32 - jun. 24. 14:00

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Hungarian Competition programme / Student Film 2

Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 24. 16:00

Love in the Time of Corona

04' 58''
Szucher Ágnes


01' 11''
Gillich Dóra

My Grandma

03' 42''
Szilágyi Lilla

About My Well-Being

01' 20''
Ördög Kinga


04' 30''
Bányai Zsófia

Traveling Audience

02' 42''
Kovács Dóra Napsugár, Pintér Márton


06' 02''
Cornejo Judith, Komán Kitti


02' 11''
Mucsi Milán


02' 30''
Csabai Anna, Svarcz Enikő


03' 15''
Csutorás Márton


06' 16''
Tóth Orsolya Blanka

Call Center

02' 36''
Kajlik Eszter

No Worries!

03' 10''
Bella Tamara

The "Milky" Way

08' 31''
Pencz Patrik, Németh Natália

Further programmes / Awarding Ceremony

Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 24. 19:00

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Panorama programme / Toldi

Main Square / Space in Space - jun. 24. 19:00


1h 48m
Jankovics Marcell, Csákovics Lajos

Further programmes / Award Winning Films

Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall - jun. 24. 20:00

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Further programmes / KAFFTER party

Beszélő Köntös - jun. 24. 22:00

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Further programmes / Projection Mapping

City Hall - jun. 24. 22:00

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