Applied Animation
Hírös Agora / Theatre Hall
jun. 24. 14:00
Applied Animation
Otthon Cinema
jun. 21. 09:00
The music video clip is an adaptation of the song "Pirate Jenny" by Bertold Brecht. We see a girl washing dishes in a pub who dreams about a heroic pirate captain and his crew who conquer her town, killing everyone in their path except her, and together they sail off to freedom.
Year of production: 2023
Country of production: Hungary
Length: 05' 34''
Further credits
Animation: HORVÁTH Hanna; TÓTH Alexandra; KOVÁCS Krisztina; RECHNER Rebeka; RECHNER Veronika; MUCSI Milán; ZÁPORI-REGENHART Miklós Co-director: PÉTERFFY Zsófia Backgrounds: MUCSI Milán; ZÁPORI-REGENHART Miklós